The Key to Understanding the White House?

Perhaps this is the key to understanding what’s been happening in the White House for the last several year.

Bob Dylan lyrics in the White House library

For more on what’s in the White House library, which can only hold 2,500 books, read this.

“How does it feel

How does it feel

To be on your own

With no direction home

Like a complete unknown

Like a rolling stone ?”

0 thoughts on “The Key to Understanding the White House?”

  1. The Dylan Lyrics book looks photoshopped into the photo. Also, if it’s a truly socialist library, Dylan would be out of place. He’s much more a libertarian than a socialist, although he tries pretty hard to avoid fitting into any category. Considering that he thumbed his nose at the liberal Folk Music back in the sixties by going electric. In the 80’s He changed his way of thinking with Slow Train Coming, bashed the unions (Union Sundown) and supported Israel (Neighborhood Bully). It’s a wonder that the liberals still claim him as their own.

  2. I wasn’t trying to say the White House library has skewed socialist, for whatever that’s worth, but I don’t think the book is Photoshopped. It’s right next to America’s Favorite Poems, and it has not dust jacket, which a commenter on one of the posts I looked at noted.

    I thought this large book on Dylan, who is a bit confusing both on and off stage, makes a good, simple joke. I think if I was on the White House staff, I’d want to start featuring books in the library, like what the President is currently reading or what he recommends for others–those books placed on a podium for public viewing.

  3. Too bad George W didn’t peruse the lyrics while pondering the invasion of Iraq…

    “Come you masters of war

    You that build the big guns

    You that build the death planes

    You that build all the bombs

    You that hide behind walls

    You that hide behind desks

    I just want you to know

    I can see through your masks.

    You that never done nothin’

    But build to destroy

    You play with my world

    Like it’s your little toy

    You put a gun in my hand

    And you hide from my eyes

    And you turn and run farther

    When the fast bullets fly.

    Like Judas of old

    You lie and deceive

    A world war can be won

    You want me to believe

    But I see through your eyes

    And I see through your brain

    Like I see through the water

    That runs down my drain.

    You fasten all the triggers

    For the others to fire

    Then you set back and watch

    When the death count gets higher

    You hide in your mansion’

    As young people’s blood

    Flows out of their bodies

    And is buried in the mud.”

  4. So, we had no business going to Iraq?

    I wish I could some more Dylan lyrics that would at least appear to contradict these.

  5. According to Dylan himself, the song wasn’t about denying government its legitimate role in defending our country, but rather the profiteers who promote war so they can make money manufacturing armaments.

    From USA Today, 2001,

    “Unfortunately, people have been led down the wrong path by quasi-intellectuals who never really get the cultural spirit in the air when these songs are performed,” he says.

    Masters of War, for instance, “is supposed to be a pacifistic song against war. It’s not an anti-war song. It’s speaking against what Eisenhower was calling a military industrial complex as he was making his exit from the presidency. That spirit was in the air, and I picked it up.

    (link from Wikipedia)

  6. Still, some criticize Mr. Bush for profiting from a war in Iraq. I don’t know where they get the idea, because it seems baseless on its face. Michael Moore’s movie was full of crap. “Look, there’s a pipeline. That’s proof we went to Iraq for oil.” nonsense.

  7. “but rather the profiteers who promote war so they can make money manufacturing armaments.”

    Yep — this is the complaint I had. The war in Iraq has been a massive boondoggle for the Military Industrial Complex and private security. The only connection I know off the top of my head is the Cheney/Halliburton one, but when the election system is corrupted (across the board) because campaign contributions drive policy, politicians are necessarily friends or puppets of the wealthy who contribute to their campaigns.

  8. See, the thing about Halliburton is that it is or was one of only two companies that could do the work required. It may have been the only company to offer all of the services needed, and the other company could only do some of them. To say they were given the contract solely because they were pals with Cheney is not fair.

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