Keeping Quiet about Creation

I don’t think I wrote here that I thought the Ken Ham vs. Bill Nye debate was less than great. The fact that you can still watch it is impressive, but the debate itself disappointed me. I thought Ham posed a question he did not answer. Though Nye appeared to be prepared to go toe-to-toe with him on specific scientific claims, Ham didn’t want to wrestle for some reason. The next day, his group announced that he would answer all of Nye’s objections that evening, but I want to know why he didn’t do it during the debate. It’s a day too late, sir.

A few years ago, I visited The Creation Museum in Kentucky with my family and enjoyed it. My only complaint at the time was the occasional straw man you saw characterizing evolutionists. I would have been much more impressed if certain presentations had presented teachers of Darwinian evolution as serious scientific people who could handle the data. Other than that, it was a great museum. But we need more than this to overcome the big problem as Joel Belz presents it today:

The big problem more and more is that those of us who profess to be believers have to such a large extent joined them in their silence. So theoretically, we are still creationists. But practically speaking, we don’t let our allegiance to that great truth affect us much in everyday life.”

Science is not a godless field of study, and Christian need not cede it to them. As Dr. Poythress explains in his booklet, Did Adam Exist? Darwin’s model of evolution is only one valid way of interpreting the data–not the best way and not the only way. Interpretations that include God’s designing hand are also valid.

3 thoughts on “Keeping Quiet about Creation”

  1. I think the issue with Ham is that his “interpretation” of Genesis as requiring a young Earth and 6/24 hr creation is so ham-handed (pun intended) that he excludes others who disagree as being beyond the pale of orthodoxy. He excludes a number of scientists who are Christian who disagree with his interpretation as well as a number of orthodox Reformed theologians.

  2. There’s a lot of dialogue opportunities here that are being lost because folks on both sides are not willing to understand where the other is standing and instead settled with calling the other side down.

    I, for one, welcome a day when the internet users (and interest groups) are not so focused on making everything a high school cafeteria.

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