You say the multiculturalists are either arrogant or racist. Is it possible they are merely unexamined? Perhaps they believe that no culture matters so all have equal value, not realizing their own cultural assumptions which in their minds no one would ever think to challenge. Does that fall under arrogance?
Seriously, I file it under arrogance. In the same way that we call it arrogant when an American travels to Europe and complains that things are different from the way they are at home. Arrogance may not be the best word for the phenomenon, but it’s used pretty commonly.
That’s a good column, report, article, or essay.
You say the multiculturalists are either arrogant or racist. Is it possible they are merely unexamined? Perhaps they believe that no culture matters so all have equal value, not realizing their own cultural assumptions which in their minds no one would ever think to challenge. Does that fall under arrogance?
How dare you question my categories?
Seriously, I file it under arrogance. In the same way that we call it arrogant when an American travels to Europe and complains that things are different from the way they are at home. Arrogance may not be the best word for the phenomenon, but it’s used pretty commonly.
fun stuff, thanks
Hey, that’s cool!
I like it. I’m going to have to keep track of your work.
Keeping track of my work is not a resource-intensive endeavor.