I put these words to a 15th Century hymn tune, which is often sung as “Sing We Now of Christmas.” You can listen to a good midi version through that link. I also found part of it sampled from this choral album. It has that beautifully ancient quality I admire in many hymns.
Our Salvation
Glory to our God who reigns over everything.
He rebuilds our hearts to give us mind to sing
Of Him, the I Am
Our hope in heaven’s Lamb,
His redemptive choice, and eternal blessing.
The Lord gives His blessing to all who receive
By the mouth confessing, by the heart believe
That Jesus is Lord
And from the grave restored,
That all who come believing may His life receive.
To Love’s gracious call we could not answer then;
For as Adam’s children, we were dead in sin.
But Jesus, our Lord,
Had chosen us before
He set the planets spinning in the solar wind.
It needs another verse or two to round it out.