0 thoughts on “The race and the not-so-swift”

  1. I tried posting a comment on the other option and was unsuccessful, so I shall try this route.  I am a computer illiterate and have difficulty figuring out the routines.

    Anyway, I saw your article posted at the spectator.org site and identified strongly with it.  I suppose I am still carried as a member of ELCA, but I gave up on it years ago because of my perception that the church hierarchy was pretty much as you describe.  As one who believes quite strongly in the divinity of Christ and who also believes the every book of the NT, including Revelation, was written before the death of Nero in June 68, I have no use for the liberal theology that dominates "mainstream" Protestantism.  Incidentally, I am the author of The Four Kingdoms of Daniel (See amazon.com) and post articles at planetpreterist.com.

    John S. Evans

  2. Lars, that article packs a punch. Good job.

    I ran into a bit of racism a few weeks ago with an email subscription my sweet wife receives.  The lady sending out the emails apologized again and again at a "racist" term used in a prior email.  She should have seen it, she said, and removed it so as not to offend her readers.  My wife asked me about it, saying the only word in that email which could possibly me thought racist was "black," so she asked me if I knew that was a racist word now.  It isn't, but we are hypersensitive, aren't we?

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