I’ve been having a small problem with my beloved Kindle’s battery. It’s supposed to last about 3 weeks, if you keep the WiFi use down, but mine has been lasting about 2 weeks. So I called them a couple weeks ago, and they ran me through some procedures to re-set it. That didn’t do the job, so I spoke to Customer Service on Sunday, and they told me they’d send me a new Kindle. I got it today.
I call that pretty good service. All I have to do now is pack the old Kindle up in the mailer box, and send it back to them for cannibalization.
It’s still under warranty. If the warranty had run out, I’d have to pay a modest fee for the replacement, far less than buying a new one.
I remain a Kindle fan.
Everybody’s talking about the Florida Primary today. I only remember one primary from my years of residence in Florida. I was still a Democrat back then, struggling with the increasingly obvious fact that my party hated both me and the horse I rode in on. I puzzled over who to support for president, and decided that the one who seemed most socially conservative was… Al Gore. Continue reading Three things