A Wednesday Loom (hat tip to Roy Jacobsen)
That snow we expected yesterday turned out, on closer acquaintance, to be rather more than expected. I had to use the snow blower after all, but the job I ended up doing was pretty marginal. Relatively high temperatures meant wet, heavy snow, and in some places it did more than just jam in the chute—it obstinately refused to be augured into the works at all. I expect it will be mostly gone in a week, but it was one of the harder snow removal jobs I’ve had this winter.
I’m having temporal trouble, it appears.
That dinner I told you I was invited to tonight? Turns out it was last night. The host called me about twenty minutes after the stated time, wondering where I was. I had stood facing his wife, as she made the invitation, and dutifully noted it down IN THE WRONG SPACE ON MY POCKET CALENDAR! My shame is unbounded, ubiquitous and ineffable.
Also. At work I have one of those “atomic” clocks that readjusts itself based on a radio signal from an observatory somewhere out west. This one is an analog clock, the old fashioned kind with a face and hands. It didn’t change the hour when Daylight Savings Time overtook us, so I moved the little hands myself.
Then, sometime Monday night, the clock decided to make the time change on its own. I thought yesterday morning was going unusually fast, but in fact my clock was an hour ahead. I ate lunch at 11:00. Eventually I figured it out.
The obvious conclusion is that time is not on my side.