Got word today that Brandywine Books will shortly be added to the BBOV (Big Blogroll ‘o Vark) of the Aardvark Alley blog. Aardvark Alley is an orthodox Lutheran blog, specializing in meditations on the church calendar, though they branch out into other subjects from time to time. I doubt we’ll make the coveted “Confessional Lutheran Blogs” list, since we harbor a Calvinist (not to mention a pietist Lutheran), but any mention over at AA (gee, that looks wrong) will doubtless steer a better class (Lutheran) of readers to our site.
Mark Steyn is getting back into blogging mode. Today he takes a surgical saw to the American abortion culture. Remember “Doctor” Kermit Gosnell? How is it that a monster like that has faded utterly from public consciousness within a couple weeks?
Ever since Roe v Wade, proponents of a woman’s “right to choose” have warned us against going back to the bad old days of rusty coat hangers and unsterilized instruments from money-grubbing butchers on the wrong side of town. Now, happily, the back alley is on the main drag, and with a state permit framed on the wall.