My interview with Tom Roten of WVHU radio in Huntington, West Virginia this morning went just fine, thank you. I’m racked with self-doubt about the quality of my performance, of course, but I’ve learned to sort of disregard that reflexive reaction. It’s sort of an emotional tax I pay for existing at all.
Tom says he’ll soon have a podcast of the interview available for download at the station site. Just click on his name in the box over to the right, and keep coming back till it shows up.
My only real disappointment was that he didn’t ask me what the weather was like up here. I was all prepared with a boffo response—“It’s so cold, you have to carry an ax around to chop your way out of your own breath.”
And it is cold. Traditionally we have a January thaw at some point this month, but it hasn’t shown up this year. We’re in the odd situation of having both an unusually cold month, and an unusually snowy one, running concurrently. Usually you get one or the other.
Here’s an interesting article from Fox News about Christianity in China. It’s possible that Christianity may be the wild card that changes the whole game in that country.
If China interests you, I would refer you to this blog, Seeing Red in China, written by an American teacher who’s been living there for several years. I find the blog interesting for its own sake (things over there aren’t always what I expect), but it doesn’t hurt that the author is my nephew-in-law, husband to my niece. They’re on furlough in the U.S. right now, but going back before long.