Tag Archives: Calvin Coolidge

Born on the Fourth of July

Today is not only the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It is also the birthday of one of our greatest presidents – the only president born on the Fourth – John Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933).

I recently heard a speech by a noted historian – I won’t say who – who took time out of a lecture on an entirely different topic to sneer at Calvin Coolidge. This raised my hackles. Coolidge is one of my favorite presidents. He did exactly what the Constitution requires of a president – as little as possible. He was a model statesman, a modern Cincinnatus (look him up).

He was also famous for being sparing with words, which makes him a model for writers too.

Above, a short and pithy speech from Silent Cal – about freedom and taxation.

And here’s the text of an Independence Day address by Coolidge. I find no fault with it. (Hat tip: Instapundit)

Happy Independence Day!