Lifting Jesus Up Among Brethren

One of the things The Most Reverend Henry Luke Orombi, Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, said tonight to a packed sanctuary was “Jesus of Nazareth is the only person who draws people to himself. The church must lift him up so He can draw all men to himself.” I was blessed to sing “We are God’s People,” “Shine, Jesus, Shine,” and “Christ Shall Have Dominion” with Presbyterians and Anglicans. It’s too easy to doubt the faith of those unlike me, especially with news of terrible things in the other denominations. It’s too easy to broadbrush without learning any details about individual congregations. But tonight we celebrated Jesus in unity under the teaching of a man, from halfway around the world, who is just like us.

3 thoughts on “Lifting Jesus Up Among Brethren”

  1. I was very blessed by what you said in this post. I was puzzled by the caption, though. It led me to believe you were going to say something about some example of crass commercialism.

  2. I’m sorry for the confusing title. It demonstrates my muddled thinking. I should have clarified it in the post. The Archbishop labeled what he said as “marketing Jesus,” but I didn’t catch his exact words, so I didn’t add it to the quotation. That was his point though. We should promote, lift up, market the Lord Jesus, not any other part of our church. He is our unifier.

  3. Groan, sorry I missed that. Meant to go and hug the necks of some old Episcopalian, now Anglican, friends that DO love Jesus, but feel abandoned by their church higher ups.

    One older, (80 plus) gentleman stated to me… “I didn’t leave the Episcopal church, it left me.” My sentiments, exactly, so it is refreshing to see the Holy Spirit unite two different and diverse communions of believers to worship JESUS CHRIST as LORD!

    What a treat the Lord gave you, Phil. WOW!

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