The sweepings of the day

Tonight when I got home from work I noticed one of my credit cards was missing. After looking in the likely places, I called the service number to replace it.

When the female person I’d been talking to had canceled it and promised me a new one, she said, “I see that your payment record with us is wonderful, and I wonder if you’d be interested in…” and then she tried to sell me a credit protection plan.

I said no thank you, but my heart was strangely warmed by her praise of my payment record. When you’re me, you have to take your strokes where you can get them.

A few minutes later I found the card, and I called back to see if I could cancel the cancellation.

They don’t let you do that.

I suppose it’s best, all considered. Now I feel like a doofus again, and the universe is back in balance.

Kevin Holtsberry at Collected Miscellany has moved his blog back to its earlier address, and is rather sad that he isn’t getting more traffic as a result. Check it out. It’s an excellent blog, mostly about books.

Via Mirabilis: A site called Library Thing which allows you to list the books you own and make contact with people who enjoy the same books. What a great concept! I’d use it myself if I didn’t hate everyone in the world, except Sissel and you.

5 thoughts on “The sweepings of the day”

  1. Thanks for the kind words, Phil. Part of the problem is that I foolishly thought I would have time to post content with a new job and a new child. Turns out both of those things have hindered my writing – suprise, suprise – and so I haven’t been able to post the reviews and content I had hoped.

    The irony is that I have a lot more google hits at the new-old site but less blog links from fellow book bloggers.

    Hope springs eternal, however, and I will keep up the good fight.

  2. My humblest apologies, Lars. Stupid of me to needlessly offend one of the few people who links to me and even leaves a comment now and again.

    Perhaps I subconsciously wanted Phil to offer some kind words and so typed his name in a Freudian slip . . .

    Or I just wasn’t paying close enough attention.

    Again, sorry and thanks.

  3. What have I done? I linked to his post on Guinness for starters. In fact, I *almost* bought a Guinness the other day. I guess it’s the teetotaler in me–can’t overcome him.

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