How To Write a Book. No, No, For Real

H.S. Key blogs, “Everybody wants to write a novel or a screenplay. If you don’t, you’re lying to yourself. And if you lie to yourself, you might just make a great writer.” He cites an article by George Singleton on what to do if you want to write.

0 thoughts on “How To Write a Book. No, No, For Real”

  1. I’ve often quoted advice I once read in Writer’s Digest. The author (I forget who it was) said, “Maybe you’re sure you can’t write a whole book. But you can write a page, right? Sure. Anybody can write a page. So sit down and write a page, then stop. Tomorrow, do the same thing, and the day after that.

    “At the end of the year, you’ll have a 365-page book.”

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