Start the democratic process without me

I’m feeling low tonight. I think I may be suffering from chicken soup fatigue. And the whole thing’s frustrating. All winter I’ve been trying to get on a workout regimen, using my Nordic Track, and every time I get to where I’m starting to feel the benefits, I come down with another cold. And by the time I’ve recovered I’m back to square one.

Also I suppose I’m feeling guilty because I won’t be attending the Minnesota caucuses tonight. I’m staying away out of principle, you understand. The caucus system is a transparent attempt by The Man to disenfranchise the Avoidant-American community, and I refuse to prop up such an unjust system.

I’ve been listening to talk radio, too, and the calls have convinced me that both of the Republican frontrunners are probably Communist moles. Possibly alien pod people.

Anyway, if you haven’t checked Joe Carter’s Evangelical Outpost today, he has a great post on the true story of Galileo and the Inquisition. It’s not what they told you on the Discovery Channel. The reality was a lot more complicated, and Galileo wasn’t any martyr to science.

He’d have probably caucused, too. The sellout.

0 thoughts on “Start the democratic process without me”

  1. I didn’t know that story of Galileo, or if I did I’ve forgotten it. Seems I knew the grade school version was off, but I didn’t remember how.

    And what do you mean the front-runners are communists? That’s just cynical. Is Prager irritated with the GOP line-up? Is he one of the anti-McCain tribe?

  2. If people want to dig deeper into the Galileo story (and it’s an admittedly complicated one) there’s an online lecture they might want to listen to.

    – The Florentine Heretic? Galileo, the Church, and the Cosmos (audio from

    = I think Lindberg is from the midwest of the U.S. (His other lecture is also worth listening to.)

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