Political History

The historical angle in this column by Tony Blankley is pretty interesting. He describes the men in the current GOP nomination process and looks at McCain’s potential nomination in light of the Goldwater campaign in 1964. No, no, it’s not that boring. Read it.

We were losing the decisive California primary until a few days before the vote, when Nelson Rockefeller’s new young second wife, “Happy” Murphy Rockefeller, gave birth to little Nelson Jr. — reminding social conservatives of his previous, presumed adultery. Goldwater won by a thin 2 percent.

We went on to the Cow Palace Convention in San Francisco, where we Goldwaterites and Rockefeller exchanged vulgar, angry epithets. Rockefeller, Mitt’s dad, George Romney, and other moderates refused to support Goldwater. Some moderates formed “Republicans for Lyndon Johnson.”

Will history repeat itself with the sides reversed?

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