Worst post ever. Don’t even look at this.

This is appalling. I should just face my failure and give up on blogging now.

I’ve reached the bottom. The absolute sludge-in-the-Worcestershire-bottle of blogdom. I’m going to do a post about my health.

I’m sorry. So very sorry. I’ll try to do better in the future.

First of all, I probably won’t be posting on Monday. Nothing serious. I’ve agreed to participate in a long-term medical study, and it involves undergoing a certain test which I won’t specify, because you may be one of those who (like me) eat at the keyboard. But it involves being sedated, and I may not be up to posting.

If I do post, you’ll know it went better than I expected.

I also saw my doctor today, on an unrelated matter (getting a prescription changed for insurance purposes, if you have to know).

It’s always dangerous to see a doctor, needless to say. 90% of all people who die of lingering diseases have seen a doctor recently.

It’s especially dangerous to see a new doctor. I had to change horses because my previous Galen, a man who believed in doing as little as possible as long as the patient wasn’t actually in debilitating pain, has retired. The new fellow is more energetic, brimming with fresh ideas for improving my life.

He thinks I ought to be sleep tested, to see if I need one of those C-PAP machines.

I’ve lived in fear of those devices for most of my adult life. In my mind, C-PAPs are for old, fat men.

The fact that I am in fact an old, fat man is of no comfort to me. (Thank you so much for bringing it up.)

On the other hand, the doctor speaks seductive words about improved mood, lower cholesterol and a reduction in acid reflux.

I think I see a face mask and a plastic tube in my future. I’ll keep you posted.

No need to thank me.

0 thoughts on “Worst post ever. Don’t even look at this.”

  1. I posted recently about weight loss… does that put me in the same “lowest of the low” category?

    Hope all goes well, Lars. Improved mood…? Would we recognize you? 😉

  2. Sorry to laugh…too funny. A sleep study wasn’t what I was initially thinking. heh heh Forgive my bad manners.

    Will pray. Sleep tight.

  3. You know…there’s some truth in that. I inflict various types of violence on my husband when he snores – sometimes without even waking up fully – and it always works. He rolls over and stops snoring and life is back to being good!

  4. Blest: I have enough practice as a curmudgeon by now to do the schtick with or without sleep.

    Omie: The sleep test is something I’m considering on my own. The study I’m participating in is embarrassing and humiliating, and shall not be named within these precincts.

    Judy: Funny line. But I do snore. Trust me on that. I’ve actually heard myself snoring, gradually waking up. Snoring produces a rather pleasant gurgling sensation in the back of the throat.

  5. Just my $0.02, but I got a CPAP last year (I’m 32), and it has changed my life. I feel 16 again, seriously — tons of energy, and I haven’t had so much as a sniff of a cold or flu since.

  6. I’ve had a CPAP for two and a haolf years, I think. Would never go back. Lars knows this; I’m just following my practice of telling people that obstructive sleep apnea is hideously underdiagnosed, it does not require you to be overweight (though it can contirbute to a weight problem), and can start at a very young age.

    Not getting it treated can result in serious problems, from neurological, cardiac, and psychological. Some of the problems are irreversible if left too long.

    Rant ends.

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