Fact Checking Is Not Too Hard

A journalist advises publishers that checking up on all those memoirs isn’t impossible and appears to be advisable. “Standard industry rationalizations for not checking anything are: It would be too expensive and, besides, we have to trust our authors.” Trust. Sure.

In related news, Author admits gang-life ‘memoir’ was all fiction. My gosh, who knew?

0 thoughts on “Fact Checking Is Not Too Hard”

  1. The days of believing everything that Walter Cronkite says are long past. And these fabulist authors must be discredited, and their publishers must be publicly shamed out of business.

    With the advent of the Internet, and LexisNexis/com. it makes me absolutely insane that writers in the main stream media, and political types will make statements that are misleading, if not outright lies—which can be easily fact-checked but no one bothers. Bill Clinton has to be the worst offender, but he’s not alone in his fantasy world (Harry Reid is in there too).

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