Vested interest

What the fashionable young man will be winning in 2022.

Had lunch at the Country Kitchen restaurant today, as is my custom on Tuesdays. I don’t know why I allow myself to fall into these little routines. It only makes it easier for international assassins to track me down.

Anyway, I walked in and was conducted to a booth. After I sat down, I was approached by a bearded young man wearing a crucifix and a bolo tie (other things as well, of course, but those were what I noted). He complimented me on the way I was dressed, and asked if I rode a Harley. I thanked him and said no, I’ve never ridden a Harley.

(I pause briefly here to describe what I was wearing. I had on my usual outfit for when I leave the house – a collarless dress shirt under a Victorian vest with lapels. Black jeans and shoes. On my head, a classic Panama hat, like Charlie Chan wore.)

Was this young man “hitting on me” as they say? No, I’m pretty sure he wasn’t. He was, in fact, pretty obviously emotionally disturbed. Someone had taken him out for a treat, or for social mainstreaming purposes.

Still, I appreciated the compliment. In fact, I see it as a promising sign.

I think it’s fairly obvious that the world today is run by people who don’t have both oars in the water. Clearly this is true in the world of fashion. So for all I know, this young man is a major influencer in regard to men’s clothing.

I fully expect we will quickly notice that men are dressing in a Victorian style again.

And, since clothes make the man, society must rapidly turn around. Civilization will be saved from barbarism.

All thanks to me and my vest.

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