Responsible Bookselling or Promotion?

What would you do with a press release like this:

In Persecution, Privilege & Power, Green has collected the sharpest commentaries and analyses from 30 different writers as they critically examine the role that Zionism plays in shaping U.S. policies abroad as well as cultural transformations at home. This riveting volume provides a broad and exhilarating inspection of Zionist machinations as well as the entrenched taboos and covert alliances that sustain them. . . . Persecution, Privilege & Power unearths the unchecked malfeasance within the political wing of organized Jewry, specifically examining that international lobby’s political excesses from a multiplicity of perspectives.

Yuval Levin believes the publicity manager of Booksurge, a subsidiary of, should be more responsible with the books it promotes. “You have to wonder if anyone at Amazon realizes they are now the publishers of conspiracy theories about the ‘Zionist machinations’ of ‘organized Jewry,’ and that BookSurge is actively promoting the book in their name,” he states.

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