Liberals Are Hypocrites

Cal Thomas writes:

One female journalist said to me it makes a mockery out of the Republican Party’s family values platform. . . . Many in the media are now questioning whether Sarah Palin has allowed her career and a “lust for power” to interfere with her family responsibilities. This is laughable. These same people have promoted women who work 12-hour days and dump their preschool children in day care. . . . When news breaks that the daughter of a Republican political figure is pregnant out of wedlock, the media quickly return to our Puritan roots and seek to hold certain people (usually conservatives) to a moral standard that culture has abandoned.

Thomas’ article points out liberal media hypocrisy, which is both shocking and old hat simultaneously. I quote the above in order to air my simple explanation for this rationale. Tell me if you agree or where I’m wrong. The liberal press and many liberals out in the wild do not argue from a coherent philosophy. They have a desired outcome and use any argument to get there. That’s why they throw out crazy statements like this. Their conclusion is predetermined, that Palin is bad. Any argument that might remotely back that up is fair game for them.

0 thoughts on “Liberals Are Hypocrites”

  1. Ah, but that’s the genius of it. If you hold to no moral principles at all, you can never be called a hypocrite, while you can be sure that people who do hold to principles will always be guilty of hypocrisy in some way, large or small.

    The secret is to openly affirm all forms of vice.

    To a liberal, the most virtuous person in the world would be a serial mass murderer who openly championed serial mass murder.

  2. If you’re going to say God is good and you’re following God, the world will hold you to a higher standard. The Jewish term for this is Chilul Hashem.

    As I said, throw the book at them – Exodus 22:16. Youngsters have always been prone to premarital sex, and no human society that ignores that is going to survive. Many liberals fail to realize that discouraging something isn’t the same as pretending it doesn’t happen.

  3. It seems the book has already been thrown and the date set. And should he get cold feet, would you rea-lly want to be the guy who left Todd and Sarah Palin’s daughter at the alter?!?

    Thought not.

  4. I wouldn’t want to be married to somebody who’d leave me at the alter either. But as far as we can see it was a case on a courting couple rushing into things, rather than an attempt at meaningless sex. Not really a big deal.

  5. Interesting how the Babygate buzz came to a complete halt after the night of Palin’s speech, when the Killa from Wasilla gave the issue as much attention as it deserved, and her family members, Bristol and all,stood there looking noticeably unlike anything resembling “victims.” Actually, the one who might have run the greatest risk of looking like a victim was Levi Johnston, but he just stood there with a dumbstruck “hey, this is cool, man” look on his face, like I probably would have in the same situation.

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