SNL Skit Explains Bailout Aftermath

Michelle Malkin has images and a full transcript of an SNL skit laughing at the mess congress has led us into: Soros/Sandler Bailout Satire

Pelosi: Let’s not forget, Mr. President, that it was the Democrats that first sounded the alarm about the risky mortgage loans that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were encouraging and that your party resisted all our efforts to rein them in.

Bush: W-w-w-w-ait. Wasn’t it my administration that warned about the problem six years ago? And it was the Democrats that refused to listen?!

Pelosi: What? Who told you that? That’s crazy. It was completely the other way around.

Frank: Actually. This time, he’s sort of right.

Herbert Sandler: My wife and I had a company which aggressively marketed subprime mortgages, and then bundled them into securities to sell to banks such as Wachovia. Today, our portfolio is worth almost nothing — though at one point, it was worth close to $19 billion.

Pelosi: My God. I am so sorry. Were you able to sell it for anything.

Herbert Sandler: Yes, for $24 billion. . . . and thank you, Congressman Frank, as well as many Republicans for helping block Congressional oversight of our corrupt activities.

Apparently, the Sandlers are an real couple, not a fabrication, though the numbers appear to be exaggerated.

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