The chief thing about a shield wall is keeping the shields locked against each other, so the other side can’t push through. You have no idea how strong the compulsion is, once the hacking begins, to move forward and engage the enemy more closely. But when you do that, you open up a hole, and the guys on the other side can push through.
In my few experiences in a shield wall, I’ve almost always succumbed to the temptation, I’m afraid.
I left this question on the last steel combat post, but must have been too late to the discussion. Previously you said, “They practice a slightly more dangerous style of fighting than we do, though.”
That led me to wonder, how do you do this without losing a finger or getting stabbed in the gut? Are there rules or conventions which the fighters follow?
It’s more or less care and practice, Ehren. You stick the sword under his arm or just touch it to his chest while you are acting as if you are impaling him with force. When you strike, you avoid certain danger zones so you are less likely to injure.
The chief point is that we don’t use sharp weapons. All weapons, including spears, are dull (you can’t even carry a sharp knife in your belt). That means that the most common injuries are bruises and abrasions. I’ve had plenty of those. But you never get cut. A broken bone is possible, but I’ve never seen it happen.
The group you see here allows blows aimed at the trunk, the upper arms, the thighs, and the head. My group disallows head shots, for extra safety. We go through training to learn how to do it right, and nobody gets to play without being trained first.
Shoot, that looks like fun, doesn’t it?
Yes, it does. Could you comment on the shield wall part? A leader was shouting, “Hold the wall!” but it didn’t make complete sense to me.
The chief thing about a shield wall is keeping the shields locked against each other, so the other side can’t push through. You have no idea how strong the compulsion is, once the hacking begins, to move forward and engage the enemy more closely. But when you do that, you open up a hole, and the guys on the other side can push through.
In my few experiences in a shield wall, I’ve almost always succumbed to the temptation, I’m afraid.
My, my, Big Shaun is pretty good at making half-way realistic kills, isn’t he?
The advancing wall reminded me of the Uruk-hai. Were these guys advisors to Peter Jackson?
The tactics are the same.
Hi Lars,
I left this question on the last steel combat post, but must have been too late to the discussion. Previously you said, “They practice a slightly more dangerous style of fighting than we do, though.”
That led me to wonder, how do you do this without losing a finger or getting stabbed in the gut? Are there rules or conventions which the fighters follow?
I’d be interested to know how it works.
It’s more or less care and practice, Ehren. You stick the sword under his arm or just touch it to his chest while you are acting as if you are impaling him with force. When you strike, you avoid certain danger zones so you are less likely to injure.
The chief point is that we don’t use sharp weapons. All weapons, including spears, are dull (you can’t even carry a sharp knife in your belt). That means that the most common injuries are bruises and abrasions. I’ve had plenty of those. But you never get cut. A broken bone is possible, but I’ve never seen it happen.
The group you see here allows blows aimed at the trunk, the upper arms, the thighs, and the head. My group disallows head shots, for extra safety. We go through training to learn how to do it right, and nobody gets to play without being trained first.
Also we are careful to wear armor and padding. More than was actually common in the Viking Age.