No brief season of gratitude can avert the need to confront our enemies on a battlefield. Lars, is that you in the second lineup with the red shield?
Since I’m not embedding the video in this post, let me give you a bit of combative dialogue, taken from Lars’ “favorite” author, Henrik Ibsen.
ORNULF. Give place, Viking!
SIGURD (turns, lays his hand on his sword, and answers:) ‘Twere the
first time if I did!
ORNULF. Thou shalt and must! I have need of the shelter for my
stiff-frozen men.
SIGURD. Then must outlaws be highly prized in Helgeland!
ORNULF. Dearly shalt thou aby that word!
SIGURD. Now will it go ill with thee, old man!
Fight! Fight!
You know, I’ve got to read that play sometime.
Oh yes. I’m the one on the left (your left) in the first shot, and the one standing at center stage when it’s done. This film also has the virtue of showing my white Tracker in the background at the beginning.