Frank links to short story blogger Charles May, who reviews a book by Robert Boswell in a post called, “Robert Boswell, Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards and The Half-Known World.” Charles notes that author Boswell teaches writing and that fact seems to come through in this book of stories.
In the story “A Sketch of Highway on the Nap of a Mountain,” Boswell uses the point of view of a woman who seems to have had a stroke, or maybe she is just a modern Mrs. Malaprop” who makes numerous language errors, such as “I get irrigated with my life,” “He begins happily dissembling our past,” “I’m at the car, divulging a black boom box.”
They are funny, and Boswell seems to be having a great time inventing them, but the story seems to be mainly an excuse for demonstrating his cleverness in inventing them.