Praise for 'Stranger Than Fiction'

World Magazine Editor Marvin Olasky says the new Will Ferrell movie, Stranger Than Fiction, is good viewing. It’s a funny, interesting story.

“Screenwriter Zach Helm suggests that our lives are part of a bigger design but that we also have free will; that knowing we have purpose rescues us from everydayness and can even lead us to heroic activity; that there is joy in simple tasks, such as serving good cookies.”

I’ve thought this had potentional the first time I saw the trailer, but some trailers are better than their movies. I’m glad this one will be good.

0 thoughts on “Praise for 'Stranger Than Fiction'”

  1. I enjoyed Stranger Than Fiction. It was thoughtful and when it could have gone off the rails in certain areas it didn’t. One character is an anti-government type who is being audtied for nonpayment of her taxes. She has a couple of lines explaining her postition but rather than allowing an Evil government/Conservative screed, this remains a character attribute rather than a “statement.”

    Will Farrell was very good as the double protagonist. He was a thoughtful adult rather than the usual frat boy he has been known to play. Emma Thompson, Queen Latifah and Dustin Hoffman were good as well.

    I’m cheap but I will probably buy this one when it comes out on DVD.

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