I guess I’m naive enough to still be shocked at new stories of government-funded propaganda. Maybe somewhere in the back o’ me head I think we’re arguing opposing points o’ view or sum’it. But in the post from World’s Mindy Belz, I see that Michael Mann, one of the guys in the current climate research scandal, has been shown to be an undisciplined quack for many years, and yet he got some of the economic stimulus money. This is just one more thing to show what many say is true of most of Washington D.C., that solid data isn’t valued as much as the pre-approved conclusion.
It reminds me of one of the points Dr. Hunter brings up in his book, The End of Secularism. When describing Martin Luther’s view on the roles of government and the church, he emphasized the duty Christians have to their nations. Christians should involved themselves with government at many levels in order to apply biblical principles to those areas, simple ideas like honesty, charity, respect for and understanding of human nature. Christians in government office should understand they have been put there by God to work for equal justice, like Lars wrote about in the previous post, and proper treatment of the weak and needy among us. Without God-fearing men in government, we end up with the abuse we have been seeing all this year, as well as other abuses we have heard about throughout the years. I’m thinking of how congress is not subject to the laws it passes and how congressional leaders don’t want all of their members to read a bill, but only to read the prepared summary and vote with the party. (Those are two systematic abuses. The fact that Barney Frank continues to be reelected is another abuse entirely. Thomas Sowell has a related article.)