What to Do with Free Time

“All our entertainments, good as they may be in themselves, can all too often function like sedatives that mask our awareness of some underlying tedium in our reality.” – Richard Winter

Read a brief devotion on this topic at Living Christ 360.

0 thoughts on “What to Do with Free Time”

  1. Scary indeed that tedium!

    Our church is huge on setting goals, writing them out and reading them at least weekly.

    Our pastor has at least one goal for each year of his life; 61 now.

    Most of us men who’ve taken his leadership classes have done the same…just with fewer numbers.

    This is NOT just a list to keep us busy but rather a way to create a strong life-style pleasing to the Lord…! Our goals have many spiritual headings associated with family, wife/kids, etc… and of course the honey-dos….. etc…

    I have a goal of praying with my wife for an hour each day. I have another for reading the Bible each day using an annual Bible reading “system”.

    Some also goal to pray by themselves each day for a set amount of minutes/hours and read at least one good Christian book each month.

    Our church also encourages corporate prayer. That is; praying in groups. The Bible seems to be big on this. I belong to a couple of Bible study groups and a couple of prayer groups.

    Now, should I have mentioned any of this? I’m trying really hard NOT to sound like I’m bragging or am some kind of super Christian or something.

    I can’t claim any such titles…just ask my wife….

    I must admit that being retired helps to enable us to have the time each day to get stuff done…. It is really like Saturday for my wife and I each day. But, I guess I believe I need to honor the Lord by giving back some of my time that He has given me so far.

    So,when I do watch “Mythbusters”, shoot some pool or watch a DVD sometimes, or I do some wood-working or writing or blogging, etc… I believe the Lord gives me a tiny nod…. I’ll NEVER catch up with the Lord’s grand generosity!!! But, I find it fun working on it and feeling good about it.

    That’s the whole purpose of all this…. getting closer to our Lord and getting to know Him on a much more personal level… Also, it helps teach us how to get more and more of HIS character. And that is what is really the bottom line.

    As the article says; “…Once you see God’s world through the eyes of faith….”

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