Weather note, plus dialectic

If it has to happen, I guess this is the night for it. As much as eight inches of snow is expected tonight. There’s no pressure to fire up the snowblower before morning, when delivery is complete. So I can relax tonight, and I have my work planned for me tomorrow.

So far it’s been a pretty textbook winter here. Cold and snow have arrived right on schedule. I was going to make a joke about Global Warming promoters saying, “It’s quiet. Too quiet.” But they’re having crazy weather in Europe, so that doesn’t work.

But has there ever been a year when the weather wasn’t crazy someplace in the world?

Below, my simple, three-step template for social change in the modern world. Our cast of characters consist of a Liberal and a Conservative.

Step One:

Liberal: Let’s do this! It’ll be great!

Conservative: I don’t know. Seems like that might change everything.

Liberal: Nah, don’t worry about it. Nothing important will change. You won’t notice a thing.

Step Two:

Conservative: Everything has changed. You said it wouldn’t.

Liberal: Why are you afraid of change?

Step Three:

Conservative: Everything has changed, and it’s all gotten worse.

Liberal: You’re a bigot.

7 thoughts on “Weather note, plus dialectic”

  1. I remember once hearing a meteorologist quoted as saying that the global climate equilibrium is overall quite precise, with one extreme generally balancing another happening elsewhere in the globe at the same time. It came up during a different year some time ago when we were having a relatively mild winter in North America but Eurasia was experiencing unusually prolonged bitter cold.

  2. Godo grief. It’s also too early–I can’t spell my state’s name. Must be all that sun hit my brain.

  3. Then, of course, there is what some call: God’s Country, the grand state of Oregon.

    It is NOT a heat sink like Arizona, (or is that, Arionza?) Nor is it a deep freeze like that Minn. place.

    No, rather it is just a fine place to grow ANYTHING and enjoy all of God’s nature in it’s purest form.

    Where the deer and antelope play and buffalo roam and fish swim and the ocean surfs and the mountains ski and ….dare I continue?????

    Please, by all means, chuckle at my mild and moist climated state…. we don’t need more out-of-towners….

  4. I deserved those shots. Arizona is kind of a “heat sink.” At least I don’t live in Phoenix. My mind would be a LOT worse.

  5. So, Richard….

    I really hate to rub it in… but I’ve friends and relatives in Arizona and Phoenix … besides the heat, we’ve discussed, they often complain or remark that they can change the color of their cars every few years as the various sand storms that roar through there strips the paint off so well, they just need to prime and then get new paint colors….

    There are usually two ways to look at something…

    I just prefer rusting to death here in Oregon… it is a much slower approach….

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