Two Sides to Pornography

We usually talk about pornography, if we talk at all, this way: “To be honest, I thought my addiction would go away with marriage, thought I had been prepared for the strong pull of lust and pornography by a four-month fast from my personal computer…” (That’s just part one of a three part take on porn’s destruction of a marriage.)

But we should also talk about it this way: “A growing body of evidence suggests that pornography fuels demand for prostitutes—and therefore, human sex trafficking victims, who often end up ensnared in both trades.” Not only that, many people making this stuff are in bondage themselves, forced to continue being exploited by all manner of manipulation while inspiring the exploitation of others.

Of course, this is all free speech, isn’t it? We are all just a bunch of healthy libertines, aren’t we, entertaining ourselves like intelligent adults, shunning the poisonous ideas of morals, shame, interdependence, selflessness, personhood, encouragement, hope, and most of all, love?

0 thoughts on “Two Sides to Pornography”

  1. We live in an era when sexual freedom is the only freedom most people count. As long as they can get their pleasure as they like, any other freedoms are negotiable. Until (who knows if it will happen?) we get our moral heads straightened out, I don’t see this situation changing.

  2. Evil is good, good is evil. Get with program. What are you, a Hater?

    The most powerful urges that God gives us to bring married people together and keep them together in love and we pervert it.

  3. I’m reminded of the woman folly in Proverbs 9. She entices the foolish, saying, “Stolen water is sweet and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.” The father warning his son against her than observes, “But they do not know that the dead are there and that her guests lie in the depths of the grave.”

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