3 School Girls

THREE school-girls pass this way each day:

Two of them go in the fluttery way

Of girls, with all that girlhood buys;

But one goes with a dream in her eyes . . . (from a poem by Hazel Hall)

Lately, I worry about nurturing the dreams in my little girls. I seem so naturally harsh and distant. I don’t want to be, but it’s like swimming against the current to change.

0 thoughts on “3 School Girls”

  1. I was hoping someone would comment on this, encourage you a little. Not having kids myself, I can't offer much. I imagine your consciousness of the problem puts you ahead of the game, though.

  2. Thanks, Lars.  I know I have changed to some degree, but complete transformation appears to be a slow process.  They say I didn't get here overnight so I can't change overnight either.  Still . . . still . . .

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