Category Archives: Goofing

Because I know you want my opinion on TV shows

I see TV ads for some new fall TV comedy called “The Big Bang Theory,” about brainy geeks and their sexy female neighbor.

These are my questions:

Do non-geeks want to watch a show about geeks?

Do geeks want to watch a show about geeks?

Also the acting looks lousy.

I share because I care.

A Deathless Quotation from Lars Walker

Stand by for a Deathless Quotation from Lars Walker.

The chief achievement of Britney Spears in the last couple years has been to make us all appreciate the depth and substance of Jessica Simpson.

This has been a Deathless Quotation from Lars Walker.

A piece of dialogue I’ll probably never get around to putting in a book

Conversation between a Christian and a Hollywood producer:

Christian: “How come you never have any sympathetic Christian characters in your movies?”

Producer: “What do you mean? We have lots of sympathetic Christian characters in our films.”

Christian: “Name one.”

Producer: “Well, there was Sister Angelica in _______________.”

Christian: “Sister Angelica became an atheist in that film.”

“That’s what I’m saying! Sympathetic! What could be more sympathetic than that?”

Melton L. Duncan on Tolkien’s Work

Melton Duncan has a lengthy review of The Children of Hurin which he closes with an “Abridged Guide to Evangelicalism as Middle Earth.”

No Tolkien work ever gets published without a fascinating appendix. So why shouldn’t a review about Tolkien. For those of you who have been struggling to “contextualize” this review into postmodern applications the following is for you. Tolkien detested allegory of all kinds, so please keep in mind this is just a hyper technical, completely accurate application of Tolkien’s world to the modern evangelical scene.

Could be a long inside joke, but you may want to scan it anyway. No potshots are Lutheranism that I see.

Don’t Read That Fantasy

Here are twenty reasons you may want to put down that fantasy novel before you are disappointed by a lame story (according to the writer). One reason: “characters repeatedly ‘respond,’ ‘demand,’ ‘deny’ or ‘wonder’ their dialogue. You get ONE of these per chapter, and even that’s pushing it, buddy. They can ‘say’ things. They can occasionally ‘ask.’ And, since I’m an Anne of Green Gables fan, they can ‘ejaculate’ if they must. But THAT’S IT.” [by way of The View]

Too Real: US Senator in Next Batman Movie

Sen. Patrick Leahy has a speaking role in next Batman movie. I wonder if the ratings description will note “actual politician” among “violence,” “frightening sequences,” and whatever elements make up the movie’s rating.

Tonight, my imitation of Scrappleface

(San Francisco) Democratic presidential contenders vied with one another to declare defeat in their own campaigns today, in a candidates’ forum sponsored by the non-partisan group Childless Gays for Education.

“I’ve been campaigning for almost eight years now,” said Sen. Hillary Clinton, “and frankly I’m demoralized. The cost has been tremendous, and I see no guarantee of success further down the road. I’ve decided it’s time to admit defeat and go home to New York.”

Sen. Barack Obama did not delay in picking up the theme. “We hear sensational stories about possible devastation to the country under four more years of Republican government. I consider that unlikely. I support the Democratic party and its operatives one-hundred percent, but the best thing we can do for those patriotic men and women is to bring them home before they’re completely brutalized by this inhuman struggle.”

John Edwards retorted, “You guys are behind the curve. I gave up months ago. I began a phased withdrawal of my campaign workers back in March. It’s been clear to me for some time that, with our present national consensus that no fight is worth the trouble unless it can be finished in a few weeks at practically no cost, this campaign is a quagmire and a waste of time. I feel that the best thing I can do for the Democratic Party is to concede to the Republicans right away. And I’m doing that tonight.”

Speaking truth to D-Day

Today is the anniversary of the Normandy invasion in 1944.

I was all prepared to do a knee-jerk patriotic post, going on and on about the courage of our fighting forces.

But I’ve been reading lefty blogs and watching network television news lately, and the scales have fallen from my eyes (pardon me while I put the scales back in the bathroom, where they belong). I now see what a horrible crime our participation in World War II was. In fact, I’m at a loss to explain how the enlightened voices of our mainstream media can continue to cover up the horrific crimes of Roosevelt, Eisenhower, and their henchmen. Where are the Cindy Sheehans, the Rosie O’Donnells, the John Murthas of the (so called) Greatest Generation? When will the truth be told?

Today, while archiving old books in the library, I found a small pamphlet tucked into one of them. It’s a contemptible piece of war propaganda published by the USO. I’ll show you a couple pages here; but it actually folds out to six pages, front and back.

Look at the front page:


The first thing that strikes the enlightened reader is the picture of the soldiers. I suppose the fact that one is a sailor, one a soldier and one a marine is supposed to suggest some sense of diversity. Ha! You call that diversity? They’re all white. They’re all male. None of them is visibly disabled. The fact that they’re hugging might suggest that they’re gay, which would be worth something, I suppose, but they’re probably just drunk, celebrating the massacre of innocent civilians somewhere.

You’d almost think that they thought in those days that an army existed for the purpose of fighting wars, rather than for providing educational opportunities to impoverished young people.


Note also the second quotation under the picture. The word “Jap” is used openly. Do you need further evidence that this was a purely racist war, in which Roosevelt and his striped-pants buddies trumped up the flimsy excuse of a minor misunderstanding at Pearl Harbor, in order to prosecute a genocidal war against Asians, in order to steal their… whatever it was Japan had that they wanted to steal?

Note also that the soldiers are referred to as “men” fully three times, just on this page. No mention at all of the thousands of female soldiers who were fighting and dying all over Europe and the Pacific, whose story has been cruelly suppressed by the male hegemony, even unto this day!

But what really settles the matter is the back page:


Note the names of the two chairmen—Rockefeller and Bush (and yes, Prescott S. Bush was the father of George H. W. Bush, and grandfather of George W. Bush).

What further proof do you need that the whole war was a farce, started by liars purely for oil?

The only thing that’s missing is Halliburton.

But it goes without saying that the lack of any mention of Halliburton is the most definitive proof that the whole thing was their insidious plan.

Speaking of Shakespeare

Thou impertinent hasty-witted whey-face!

[Thou art] already dead. stabbed with a white wench’s black eye, run through the ear with a love song, the very pin of [thy] heart cleft with the blind bow-boy’s butt shaft.

Those poor college students won’t know what they’re missing when confronted with The Shakespearean Insulter